Misrepresenting Physics

In the physics of the bow and arrow, the potential energy of the bow being pulled equals the kinetic energy of the arrow. If roadrunner is speeding across the road at 100kph, and coyote weighs 20kgs. To be able to catch up to the same speed, KE=1/2mv2. Therefore, =1/2*20*(100)2 =100000Joules. The amount of work done to pull the bow is 100000J, which is equivalent to lifting up a 100000N barbell over 1 metre. This is not possible in real life. Even so, the arrow will be brought to the ground by gravity in less than 1 second. (d=1/2gt2). Coyote will not take off, because he is inside the system.

Coulomb's law states that the electrical force between 2 charged particles is proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between then. We know that after roadrunner digested the iron pellets, it was seen possible to attract the metal-bird with the magnet at a great distance. Relating to Coulombs law, if you increase the distance, the attractive force is weaker, not stronger.

On planet cartoon, gravity occurs 75% of the time! As cartoons reach at the end of the cliff, they continue in motion in midair. Suddenly, after they look down, the good-old gravity does it's 9.8m/s/s. Under motion concepts, d=1/2gt2, the first second in midair has already 'relocated' you 10 metres down the cliff. If we ignore gravity, the concept of walking on air; we often see cartoons walking casually like as if it was the ground.  Real life, we are able to walk on the ground because of friction and action-reaction forces. On air, particles are spread apart, thus only small air drag/friction is possible.

In the case where a giant rock and coyote drop down the cliff at the same time, we always see that coyote accelerates faster than the rock; and so happen to free fall directly under it. Theoretically, both would land at the same time under the force of gravity. (F/m=g). But air resistance also plays a big role in free falling. The coyote (even when cuddled up) would undergo terminal velocity faster than the rock, with build up air resistance with his stretched arms/fur etc. In real sense, the rock should have landed a lot sooner than him.

Cartoons in space have always neglect physics. In space, characters can breathe the oxygen particles through this ?pace’. They are seen travelling without the use of spacesuits etc. If this was possible, living in space would have no problem, and NASA will surely make a profit!

In movies, spaceships in space have always use the term 'warp speed' to travel to far distant places in seconds. For example, if a 1000kg spaceship moved from rest to 1000m/s, the change in momentum is 106 kg/m/s. And if this warp speed lasted for 5 seconds, change in momn is force times time. Therefore the force is 5*106 Newtons. The people in the spaceship would theoretically feel a force of 5000000N. (you'll be dead). On TV, none of these space travellers felt a thing!

When starships explode, we can actually hear the noise from a distance. In space, sound cannot travel. Sound can only be transmitted through vibrations in particles (air on earth). They produce a series of compression and rarefaction that travel into our ears.