The Faculty of Architecture
Summary of Method & Materials Used

On Sunday 15th of August 1998, I visited the Faculty of Architecture in the City West Campus at the University of South Australia. This department is located in the Yungondi and Barbara Hanrahan building. The purpose for me was to gain knowledge about the method and materials used in architecture.

The faculty of architecture consists of approximately 200 classrooms, lecture rooms, computer labs etc, and 2000 students and teachers. The aims at the use of computers and architecture equipment are to assist in the production of practicals and projects, assignments and the study of architecture for the students’ future careers.

In the University, many works have been completed with the aid of computers. In the computer labs, where most students spend their time, is the main source of production. With the use of technology throughout the department, drawing aided programs such as AutoCAD and Photoshop gives us a broad view of their background in the competitive world. With the use of computers, many manual works are replaced.

The method and materials students use is totally reliant on technology and computers. For example, printers, plotters, scanners and drawing aided software are key factors that have improved the students' learning and productivity. And the most important issue about using technology is saving time. The drawing of floor plans, rendering 3D views and all the planning and calculating can be done in the fraction of the time compared with the manual version.

A cold, dark and a messy workstation gives me an impression of how often students use these rooms to work. It would not be a good environment for any type of manual work. In these rooms, many drafting boards were left inside untouched without any chairs or evidence of people using the equipment. My first impressions of this department were having really advanced technology. Although they are becoming more involving with computer work, the equipment they owned was not as spectacular. Nevertheless, more people still favour them than manual work.

Looking at the percentage of the work involving the computer, it is about 90%. The other 10% are probably devoted into manual work and the model making. Yet, without the use of the computer, the calculations for building the models may not be achieved.

An architect is one who designs the interior and exterior of buildings. Their job is to design it in a way so that it meets the needs of the client. In conclusive, the method and materials used in architecture is more advantaged when using technology. Decreasing the manual work can save time thus a more productive environment. After the visit, computers can be described as a requirement in architecture.